The Skatepark of Baltimore is located in Roosevelt Park, in Hampden behind the Roosevelt Recreation Center at 1121 W 36th St, Baltimore, MD 21211. The park is southwest of the intersection of West 36th Street and Falls Road.

Our site: A Love Story

The Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks, Friends of Roosevelt Park and Mahan Rykiel Associates developed a Master Plan for Roosevelt Park which included a skatepark.

The Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks built an 11,000 sq ft,fenced-in asphalt pad for the cost of $60,000 where they planned to put a skatepark.

The skate area sat dormant of ramps until a number of Hampden skateboarding youth took matters into their own hands and constructed obstacles out of wood and other materials to create their own makeshift skatepark on the asphalt pad.

The elements that the Hampden skateboarding youth created were cleared out and the skate-pad was locked so it could not be utilized at all.

The Roosevelt Recreation Center Directors contacted the Skatepark of Baltimore requesting that we provide ramps.

The SOB celebrated its 3 year anniversary with an art show featuring “skateable art installments” (sculptures that you can skate on) at the Load of Fun Gallery.

The SOB donated and installed the three metal skateable sculptures from the art show to create a temporary starter park at Roosevelt Park in Hampden.

The result of the installations was that the local youth began utilizing the park on daily basis and it quickly became one of the most heavily used areas of the park.

The youth and the community partners, the Hampden Community Council (HCC), and Roosevelt Recreation Council (RRC) wish to pursue a concrete skatepark for Roosevelt Park and voted overwhelmingly in support of the project.

The SOB recommended Roosevelt Park in Hampden to the Mayor as the best site on which to construct the Skatepark of Baltimore.

The SOB developed a concept (draft) design of the skatepark with Pillar Design Studios and held a Skatepark Design workshop at Roosevelt Park with Parks and People foundation.

The SOB participated in community meetings of the Hampden Community Council and the Roosevelt Recreation Council to secure their support for the site in Roosevelt Park to build the Skatepark of Baltimore.

The SOB continues to improve the skatepark by building, donating, installing and maintaining multiple ramps, rails and a mini ramp. In 2009 we donated, installed and skate-lighted a 6 ft mini ramp and a giant skateable truck sculpture.

The SOB conducted 5 skatepark clean ups at Roosevelt Park.

2010 was a great year for the Skatepark of Baltimore. Our biggest success was acquiring the site for the construction of our park through a partnership with the City of Baltimore, the Department of Recreation and Parks, and the Community of Hampden. The plan is build a 25,000 square foot skatepark at Roosevelt Park in Hampden. We began the designs process and assembled a skatepark design team contracting with Pillar Design Firm.

Phase II & Phase I Renderings